Career Development Certifications

The LDW Group LLC is approved by the National Career Development Association (NCDA to provide the Facilitating Career Development (FCD) training.  The FCD training is the pre-requisite to earn the internationally-recognized Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) and the Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) certifications. LDW Group LLC has certified instructors on the NCDA national registry approved to provide the training.

The FCD training can enhance the skills and knowledge of those working in career development settings. The CCSP and GCDF certifications are internationally-recognized credentials for professionals serving in a variety of occupations related to career development support and facilitation.  To achieve either certification, a candidate must complete the 120-contact hour NCDA FCD curriculum taught under the direct supervision of a certified instructor.  The program is designed to standardize the knowledge and expertise of individuals working in workforce development programs and other career development programs.

Training includes the following 12 core competencies:

  1. Helping Skills
  2. Labor Market Information (LMI) and Resources
  3. Assessment
  4. Diverse Populations
  5. Ethical and Legal Issues
  6. Career Development Models
  7. Employability Skills
  8. Training Clients and Peers
  9. Program Management/Implementation
  10. Promotion and Public Relations
  11. Technology
  12. Consultation

In order to qualify for the certifications, you must meet the following requirements:

1.  Have successfully completed the Facilitating Career Development course,
2.  Complete the  application process for the GCDF and/or the CCSP, and
3.  Have a combination of education and work:

  • Graduate degree + an estimated one year of career development work experience
  • Bachelor degree + an estimated two year of career development work experience
  • Two years of college + an estimated three years of career development experience
  • High school diploma or GED + an estimated four years of career development experience

For more information on how we can assist, please contact the LDW Group LLC and Get-Started-Now-button

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